Ability to upload images and videos with tags
Gustavo Alessandri
Ability to upload images and videos with tags, this way when asked about sonething, the bot can answer also with media.
Ex: user ask about HR in the company.
Bot shows text and midia tagged with HR and other key words related to that subject (ex: organogram chart, onboarding video, etc)
Jeremy Chambers
This is supported within GPT-trainer.com
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Thiago Camargo
dewayne black
yes we need this
Anil Chandra Naidu Matcha
This is possible with EmbedAI https://www.thesamur.ai/ , so maybe you can check that
This would greatly support e-commerce oriented bots
Yasser Elsaid
There are many services where you can customize a chatbot for customer service on your website. A google search will reveal them. You can program their logic and behavior precisely.